In curand, un nou escape room 🙂 Dar pana atunci, poți sa faci o rezervare la cel mai bine cotat escape room de pe Tripadvisor Indiana Jones Escape Room
Poveste :
Approaching his 111th birthday, the Hobbit Bilbo Baggins begins writing down the full story of his adventure 60 years earlier for the benefit of his nephew Frodo. Long before Bilbo’s involvement, the Dwarf king Thrór brought an era of prosperity for his kin under the Lonely Mountain until the arrival of the dragon Smaug. Destroying the nearby town of Dale, Smaug drove the Dwarves out of their mountain and took their hoard of gold. Thrór’s grandson, Thorin, sees King Thranduil and his Wood-elves on a nearby hillside, and is dismayed when they leave rather than aid his people, resulting in Thorin’s everlasting hatred of Elves.
In the Shire, 50-year-old Hobbit Bilbo is tricked by the wizard Gandalf the Grey into hosting a party for Thorin and his company of Dwarves: Balin, Dwalin, FÃli, KÃli, Dori, Nori, Ori, Óin, Glóin, Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur. Gandalf’s aim is to recruit Bilbo as the company’s “burglar” to aid them in their quest to enter the Lonely Mountain. Bilbo is unwilling to accept at first, but has a change of heart after the company leaves without him the next day. Bilbo races to join the company.
Get ready to start an incredible adventure into a fantasy world following the footsteps of Bilbo Baggins. In The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey escape room you will start in the Shire in the hobbit house in the shire, gather all the dwarves, go across the Middle Earth, through the complex maze of Mines of Moria and towards the Misty Mountains where you will fight the dragon Smaug for the Arkenstone. Can you discover all The Hobbit secrets? Will you find the One Ring and the Arkenstone?
90 min